The night my dying husband had a conversation with his deceased brother in my living room was the night I found the first feather. Shane was dying from a very aggressive cancer. He was receiving visits near the end of his life from his mother and brother who passed away before him. It was quite remarkable and my children and I were blessed to have witnessed the events, even though we could only hear one side of the conversations.
When that encounter was over we were all quite stunned and filled with adrenaline. A few minutes later I noticed a small feather lying on the floor near the foot of Shane’s hospital-style bed. I knew immediately it was from his deceased brother Brian. I picked it up, smiled, and thanked Brian for confirmation that he had indeed been here. (Not that we needed confirmation.)
I’m not one to discard gifts, so, I stuck the feather in the dirt of a cute little String of Pearls succulent plant that I am growing in an old thrift store teacup.
Shane passed away just thirteen days later. About a week after his passing I was walking around our home feeling a little in limbo. I was very sad and missing him terribly. I glanced down at the floor only to see that feather lying there. I wondered how it got out of the teacup. I picked it up to return it to the cup.
But the original feather was still there. The one I was now holding was a new feather. It was in the same exact spot that I discovered the first feather not even two weeks earlier. This one was a tad smaller. I picked it up in awe. I held it to my heart and cried a little bit—thanking Shane this time for the gift.
He promised, if he could, that he would send a sign. I placed it in the dirt right next to Brian’s feather. I treasure these gifts.

I truly believe that our loved ones are very near to us, that the veil between our world and theirs is incredibly thin. I think they send us signs all the time and our receiving them or not has to do more with us, than them.
Losing a loved one can be devastating. It can make you feel as if your heart is being ripped out—as if your entire world is falling apart. Sometimes, it feels as if you cannot function.
As time goes by you might get the sense that they are around. Well, what if they are? What if they are sending some very well-known signs merely to let you know they are okay—a hug from beyond, if you will? What a beautiful way to give us their love and comfort—because you know they are watching us struggle without them.
They come in dreams.
Those vivid dreams where you feel they are literally right there? Dreams so real, that you can remember as if it was real? Those are visitation dreams. While regular dreams are often very scattered and confused—weird storylines, if you will—visitation dreams are super clear and vivid.
Sometimes out of the blue you might smell something eerily familiar to you, reminding you of your lost one. That familiar cigar or flowery aroma—could be your loved one sending a sign.
Flickering Lights, Electrical Disturbances
Have you ever been talking to someone about your lost one, or even thinking of them, and all of a sudden the lights flicker? Oh, your eyes will go wide and you may get a shiver, but electrical activity around spirits is not uncommon. Enjoy the visit and say hello!
Draining batteries are another thing to look out for!
Orbs in Photos
Although modern technology is pretty advanced, you can still capture legit orbs in your photos or videos. It’s not at all difficult. Look for the ones that are beautiful balls of light that move in odd and fast ways. You might catch a bug or dust particles, but you’ll know the difference when you see it.
Songs to Jog the Memory
My husband loved listening to AC/DC. At the time, the radio really hadn’t played a lot of their music, even though they are classic, it’s been decades since they had a ton of airtime. Right after he died, a friend of his got in his car and the radio came on and guess what was playing?
That same thing happens to me all the time now. Road trips, on my way to the cemetery, having a really sad time? You guessed it. AC/DC comes on the radio.
The ultimate symbol of hope, rebirth, and transformation, the butterfly represents the soul of a human in many cultures. They are considered the most common sign of our lost ones. Not that they have turned into a butterfly, but that they have sent one to you.
Birds are a sign that our lost ones are okay. One bird clearly associated with deceased people is the cardinal. It is said that one will appear when you need to be reminded of how much they loved you and still do. It is also said that a bird is a reminder that your lost one is never very far away.
Feathers are considered to be a sign that someone is looking after you, that your prayers are being heard, and that your lost ones are near. (Thus the saying, “When feathers appear, angels are near.”)
Pay attention to numbers that you see all the time. It isn’t a coincidence that you are seeing your lost one’s number combinations that might represent a significant date, such as, birthdays, anniversaries, death dates, and other special occasions. When you see a specific combo that you can connect to them, you’ll know they are near.
Temperature Changes
Especially right when and after a person departs this life, you may feel an energy or a pressure change. You could also sense a temperature change or a breeze in a still room. Trust your intuition.
We know that everything is energy right? Well, when we die we go back into that vibrational energy form. What if we could manipulate things and make them appear in the path of someone? Like coins? Shiney little objects that catch our attention from the sun reflecting off them as we pass by.
Many people can feel a true presence. A touch, chills, the hair on the back of your neck standing up. That slight tingling or buzzing in your ear shouldn’t be dismissed.
A Phone Call
This one might not be all that common but it’s common enough that I’ve heard of it happening to people myself. Usually, it’s static on the other end.
Hearing Their Voice
Whether you hear it in your head or you hear it with your ears as if they are physically there, it is very common. Sometimes you hear them call your name or you can hear someone in the other room. Sometimes it’s in the form of ringing or buzzing in your ear when they are near. We are vibrating energy and so are they.
Seeing a Literal Sign
Honestly, we usually get just what we ask for and signs from beyond are no different. Whether you ask for a sign and you get one of the ones mentioned above or you start seeing actual signs that speak to you through the words on them, they are all signs!
A few weeks ago I was driving to work, thinking of Shane. Directly in front of me was a truck with the company slogan on the back: “You’ve been thunderstruck.”
A line from his favorite band’s song. I never saw that truck before or since. It was a sign meant for me to see at that particular time. And yes, of course, I grabbed my phone and snapped a photo of it because seriously who would even believe that?

You are not losing your mind, pay attention to the signs that are all around you. Don’t try to analyze or rationalize it out of existence. Just be open to what you are witnessing and enjoy the gift you have just been given.
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I happened to stumble across your Facebook reels…I’m absolutely intrigued. I have always been the one in our family to be there to help our family members transition from this life to their next journey. And the last 2 were really hard to go thru. 1st one was my dad. He had 6 masses the size of tennis balls on his liver. He never said a word about feeling bad until a week and a half til be died. But he went thru a horrendously difficult death and I wish this would of been more talked about then because I would of definitely talked him into doing it. Dying with dignity and on your terms is absolutely priceless. We can’t control the cancer that’s terminal but we can control when it’s the end for us. And he leaves pennies when he’s been by to visit. Whenever I see one I pick it up and say hey dad…thanks for checking on me. Love you
Aw, that’s so beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss. Enjoy your pennies from your dad 🙂 Also thanks so much for following, I really appreciate it.